The Clinton Street Greater Bethlehem Temple Church began when a people of God recognized a need for fellowship in a common community.

It was early in the spring of 1919, sometime during the month of April, when Brother W.M. Gray pitched an evangelistic tent and started a series of open air tent services in Detroit. Recognizing a need for additional help to get the church started, he was joined by Elder J.W. Childs of Flint, Michigan.

Elder Childs had a great zeal for the people of God and had experience in the ministry. Therefore, was given charge of the tent services. The doctrine taught constituted the apostolic faith, “the good news of how man can be rightly related to God through the life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and that, on condition of repentance, forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit are offered, with a assurance of salvation.”

June 12, 1919, Elder Childs rented a room for approximately one month. Then the church assembly was moved into a small storefront on Lafayette Street around July 1. By this time, the Lord had begun blessing this ministry with a few additional souls added to the church.